The weight of the crown is heavy, so the Queen can not run. You must always protect the Queen. In life, entertainment is only displaying how to win in the world. The royal court of Wakanda is a display of a greater kingdom that can not be seen with carnal eyes. The principles remain the same but in the kingdom of God there is a standard of substance. In the world, the queen fights to protect the image of the crown. Notice that her head was exposed when she went to bow down to the outsider after she rejected the opportunity to accept her nephew who affectionately addressed her in the way of many African-Americans, “hey auntie.” In the kingdom of God it is impossible to look like something you are not for God can not lie so it is what it is. In the kingdom of God, a Queen is consistent in her grace even in the face of unforeseen circumstances. She does not insist on maintaining her grace the same way the Queen of Wakanda maintains her. She does not sway from her faithfulness to the kingdom and will represent it with grace and dignity unto her death. She bears the weight of the crown with grace. She does not stumble. The queen of Wakanda stumbled and had to bow before an outsider, an unbeliever, because she wasn’t willing to respect spiritual law. She and her deceased king chose their people but in the kingdom of God, He does the choosing. If she had embraced the rightful successor to the throne, the law of love would have allowed her to have influence over the new king and the outcome could have been glorious. In the kingdom, God is always after what you’re willing to do for his kingdom, for his glory.